National Level Chambers of Commerce and Industry
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National Level Chambers of Commerce and Industry in India:

Federation of Indian Export Organisations :

The FIEO, New Delhi is an apex body of various export promotion organisations and institutions. It was set up in 1965 and it registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. It also functions as a primary servicing agency to provide integrated assistance to Government recognised Export Houses / Trading Houses and acts as a Central Co-ordinating Agency in respect of export promotional efforts in the field of

consultancy services in the country. FIEO organises seminars and sends Trade Delegations to overseas markets for export promotion. The Federation brings out `FIEO News; a monthly publication for the use of its member exporters and importers.

Address : Niryat Bhawan", Rao Tula Ram Marg, Opp. Army Hospital Research & Referral,
NEW DELHI-110 016
Telephone : (91)11-26150101-04; 46042222
Fax : (91)11-26148194
E-Mail :
Web Site :

· Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry

· Confederation of Indian Industry

· Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry

· PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Address: Embassy of India, Dr. Sophie Redmondstraat 239,
PO Box 1329, Paramaribo,Suriname.
Working hours: 0800 to 1630 hours (Monday to Friday)
Telephone Number: (0597) 498344/531448/531449
Fax Number: (0597) 491106/499382

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