Saint Lucia
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Country – Fact Sheet


Official Name

Saint Lucia




619 Sq Km


24 to 31 degree Celsius throughout the year.

(Tropical, hot and humid all year round, with a relatively cool, dry season from January to mid-April and a hot, humid and rainy season from June to December)


1,83,629 (2020, World Bank Estimates)

Forest cover

34% (2020, World Bank Estimates)

Co2 Emissions

2.14 metric tons per capita  (2018, World Bank Estimates)

Tourist arrivals

4,32,500 (2020, World Bank Estimates)

Age profile

Median age 36.9 (Estimated)

Life Expectancy

76.2 (2019, World Bank)


English, French Patois

Ethnic Groups

Black/African descent 85.3%, Mixed 10.9%, East Indian 2.2%, Other 1.6%, Unspecified 0.1% (2010 est.) Estimated

Main Religions

Roman Catholic 61.5%, Protestant 25.5% (includes Seventh Day Adventist 10.4%, Pentecostal 8.9%, Baptist 2.2%, Anglican 1.6%, Church of God 1.5%, other Protestant .9%), other Christian 3.4% (includes Evangelical 2.3% and Jehovah's Witness 1.1%), Rastafarian 1.9%, other 0.4%, none 5.9%, unspecified 1.4% (2010 est.) Estimated

Internet Penetration

50.1 % (Estimated)

Mobile phones

97.65 per 100  (Estimated)


19% (2022, Estimated)



East Caribbean Dollar

Exchange rate with US$

[XCD 2.70 = US$ 1] (As on 18.04.2022)


US$ 1.62 billion (2020) (World Bank)

GDP Growth Rate

3.5% (2021) (IMF)


15.32%(2019, World Bank)

Inflation (%)

2.5 % (2021) (IMF)

GDP Per Capita

US$8804 (2020, World Bank)


US$ 81.57 mn (2020) (Trade map)


US$ 1.12 billion (2020) (Trade map)

Balance of Trade

US$ -1.038 billion (2020) (Trade map)

Major Trading Partners

Export: Suriname, Barbados, USA, Guyana & UK

Import : United States, Colombia, Brazil, UK & China


Political Structure

Parliamentary Democracy


Major Political Parties

St Lucian Labour Party, United Workers Party

Head of State

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

[Represented by Governor General]

His Excellency Mr. Cyril Errol Melchiades Charles (Acting Governor General)

Head of Government

H.E. Mr. Philip Joseph Pierre,  Prime Minister

Minister of Foreign Affairs

H.E. Mr. Alva Romanus Baptiste


India’s Exports

2021-22:US$ 3.56 million ( Ministry of Commerce, Government of India)

India’s Imports

 2021-22:US$ 0.14 million ( Ministry of Commerce, Government of India)

Total Bilateral trade

2021-22:US$ 3.70 million ( Ministry of Commerce, Government of India)

Major items of India’s Exports

Pharmaceuticals, Plastics, machinery, vehicles, apparel

Major items of Indian Imports

Iron & Steel & Aluminium

Indian Investments in St Lucia

US$ 2.8 million (pledged by New India Assurance Company)

St Lucian  Investments in India


Indian diaspora & diaspora organiztion

18,600 including 5% having mixed marriages (descendants from Indian indentured workers (PIOs)), 150 naturalized Indians (PIOs), Total PIOs- 18,750 and NRIs-250. Indian Cultural Foundation and Indian Heritage Foundation.

Indian organisation

 New India Assurance Co.



Address: Embassy of India, Dr. Sophie Redmondstraat 239,
PO Box 1329, Paramaribo,Suriname.
Working hours: 0800 to 1630 hours (Monday to Friday)
Telephone Number: (0597) 498344/531448/531449
Fax Number: (0597) 491106/499382

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