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Embassy of India


Press Release

 Celebration of 155th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi

The Embassy of India in Paramaribo organized a celebration of the 155th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi at City Centre of Paramaribo by garlanding and paying flower tribute to Mahatma Gandhi Statue. Hon’ble Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly of Suriname, Drs. Dewanchanderbose Sharman, who was the Chief Guest was joined by the Ambassador Subhash Gupta and his Spouse, along with Ms. Ranu Ramautar, Permanent Secretary of Higher Education representing the Minster of Education, Science and Culture, Mr. Indersing Gangabisoensing, Permanent Secretary of Public Works and Mr. Luziano Truideman, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Business and International Cooperation, in paying floral tributes on the occasion. Members of the Diaspora and the Indian community also participated in the event. Vaishnav Jana bhajan was rendered by Mr. Sarvesh Joshi. The Chief Guest and the Ambassador shared some thoughts on the ideals and relevance of the Mahatma in today’s world.

2. As Part of the #SwachhataHiSeva2024 Campaign, Embassy Officials led by Ambassador participated in a special cleanliness drive observing 4 hours of #Shramdaan at the Embassy premises and weeded out obsolete and old files.

3. On this occasion, Ambassador Subhash Gupta and Fulgence Javinde, District Commissioner of Paramaribo (South West) planted a neem tree under the #EkPedMaaKeNaam #एक पेड़ माँ के नाम campaign launched by Hon’ble PM Modi.

4. A short documentary titled “A great soul of 20th century” telecast on Gandhi ji on Namo India TV Channel was arranged by the Mission.

A few photographs of the events are enclosed.


02 October 2024

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